Clinton's Flute ModelsIntroductionWe'll be looking at each of Clinton's flute models in some depth, but it can be handy to have a one-stop at-a-glance guide to the range of models we've so far identified. Not much detail on this page, but if you want to follow up on a particular instrument, just click on the associated link. The flute models are set out (as far as we can be sure) in chronological order. Clinton's Extended L1 modelTwo Cups L1-L2 Side C-key 8-key, two-piece body Audience-side axles (Ebonite) 8-key, two piece body, with Brille & Vent key
Piccolo Wooden Cylindrical
Clinton's Boehm flute with Graduated Holes
AcknowledgementsYou'll find the acknowledgements relating to all the flutes above on the relevant pages - just follow the links. (Work in progress, please forgive me if acknowledgments are not yet in place!).